THE Club for Rubber-Powered Flying Scale Enthusiasts!

FLYING ACES Eagle Squadron 34

May 2001
MAYFLY - FAC Eagle Squadron 34 Summer Opener!

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Here's a bunch of photos of my 24 inch span Brewster F2A-3 Buffalo that I built for the "Battle of Midway" event we held at the MAYFLY this year. My F2A-3 is in Capt. Humberd's markings. In spite of being outnumbered by over ten to one, he shot down 2 aircraft and had a probable with this aircraft.

Here I am holding my F2A-3. I had a fresh motor set aside for the "Battle of Midway" event, and then somehow got it swapped for an almost completely severed old motor. I now throw those old motors away! It still lasted two rounds before breaking while winding for the third round.
Here's the instrument panel - It's COMPLETELY accurate right down to the last dial!

Sitting on the table after the event.
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AERO ACES is a TRADEMARK of Michael A. Morrow.
© All Images, drawings, plans, articles, and kits, are Registered & Copyrighted by Michael A. Morrow

These pages created and maintained by Michael A. Morrow - Copyright © 1999 Michael A. Morrow.